Marcin Jamro

375 3.3k
| First video from Poland

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Hello, I am Marcin!

I am an entrepreneur, an expert and a developer with significant international experience. I held the role of CEO at a few technological companies, operated as CTO at companies in various countries, as well as worked at Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, USA. I received the doctoral and post-doctoral degrees (PhD and DSc, which means "dr hab. inż.") in Computer Science. I share my knowledge as an expert in domestic and international projects, as well as invest in modern solutions.

I am an author of a few books on software engineering, as well as an author of numerous publications. The results of my research have been presented and discussed at many scientific conferences. I have MCPD, MCTS, MCP and CAE certificates. I am multiple laureate and finalist in various competitions, including a national laureate in the science industry in the competition for the best student in Poland. I received the Primus Inter Pares medal, as well as a few times a scholarship for the Minister of Science and Higher Education for scientific achievements.

I am passionate about hiking, skiing and motorsport.



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