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¿Viajas? ¡Descubre lugares de 110+ países, crea un mapa e inspira a otros con tus vídeos!

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¿Trabajas en el sector turístico? ¡Presenta tu hotel o atracción a visitantes de 185+ países!


Regulations of the "I must visit" Service from 12.02.2025

I. General provisions

  1. These regulations define the scope and principles of operation and provision of electronic access to the "I must visit" Service, provided by PERFECTCLUE Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Rzeszów, ul. Zimowit 42, 35-605 Rzeszów, Poland, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court in Rzeszów, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under the number: 0000986621, NIP: PL8133882813, REGON: 522791227 via the Service located at
  2. The Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to these Regulations. The Service Provider will immediately inform about changes to the Regulations by making appropriate announcements via the Service at least one week before the changes are to become effective.
  3. Communication between the Service Provider and the Service User, including the submission of any declarations of intent by the Service User, takes place in electronic form via the e-mail address: [email protected].

II. Definitions.

  1. For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions shall apply:
    1. Service Provider - an entity providing services electronically via the Service, i.e. PERFECTCLUE Sp. z o.o., with its registered office in Rzeszów, ul. Zimowit 42, 35-605 Rzeszów, Poland, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court in Rzeszów, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number: 0000986621, NIP: PL8133882813, REGON: 522791227.
    2. Service Recipient - a natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal personality, which registers on the "I must visit" Service. The Service User may also be a representative of public entities, including local government units, states and cultural institutions. Service Users are divided into Registered Service Users and Unregistered Service Users. If these Regulations refer to "Service User", this means both Registered Service Users and Unregistered Service Users.
    3. Registered Service User - a Service User who has registered on the Service in the manner described in detail in point IV.
    4. Unregistered Service User - a Service User who has not registered on the Service.
    5. Service - the website located at:
    6. Third Parties - natural persons, legal entities or other organizational units conducting business activities whose Commercial Information may be placed on the Service.
    7. Commercial Information - commercial information within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 344).
    8. GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
    9. Service - the provision made to the Service User by the Service Provider described in detail in point V.
    10. Agreement/agreement on the provision of services by electronic means - an agreement between the Service Provider and the Service User, concluded in the case of Registered Service Users by registering on the Service, and in the case of Unregistered Service User by starting to use the Service.
    11. Film - films presented on the Service, which can be added by Registered Users, showing places from various locations around the world.
    12. Nickname - a set of characters selected by the Registered Service User and identifying him.
    13. Service User Account - a set of resources and settings created for the Registered Service User after he has registered.
    14. Place profiles - a set of resources on the Service associated with a specific country, region, city or place.

III. Unregistered Service Users.

  1. Unregistered Service Users have access to materials published on the Service. Unregistered Service Users cannot add Films to the Service.
  2. The Agreement with the Unregistered Service User is concluded at the moment the Unregistered Service User uses the Service offered by the Service User, i.e. at the moment of opening the Service and/or playing any Film available on the Service.

IV. Registered Service Users.

  1. Registered Service Users register on the Service by filling out the form available at:
  2. After registration, a Service User Account is created. Accounts are created exclusively for Registered Service Users.
  3. The moment of registration is considered to be the moment the Registered Service User presses the "Register" button. This moment is equivalent to the conclusion of an agreement between the Registered Service User and the Service Provider for the provision of services by electronic means within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means.
  4. Registration on the website is equivalent to the Registered Service User's consent to participate in free competitions organized by the Service Provider as part of the "I must visit" website. The Service Provider reserves the right to use the Registered Service User's address data to send any prizes won in competitions, in accordance with point 13, paragraph 2 of these Regulations.

V. Provision of the Service.

  1. The Service provided by the Service Provider consists of providing the Service, to which Registered Service Users can add Films showing places from all over the world.
  2. The Service is also equipped with additional functionalities available to Registered Service Users, in particular:
    • the ability to add comments regarding individual places,
    • the ability to mark places as already visited,
    • adding photos to individual places.
  3. The Service is available to Service Users without territorial restrictions.
  4. The Service may present Commercial Information posted by the Service Provider and/or Third Parties.
  5. Access to the Service in the basic version is not subject to any fees from the Service Users. However, it is possible for the Service User to choose a paid plan, which is described in separate regulations entitled "Regulations for paid plans of the I must visit service", available at:
  6. The Service may be available in one or more languages. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the supported languages, including adding new ones and removing existing ones, at its own discretion and without the need to change the Terms of Service.

VI. Adding Films.

  1. Films may only be added by Registered Service Users.
  2. A film added by a Registered Service User may be accepted or rejected by the Service Provider. The Service Provider reserves the right not to provide a reason for rejecting a Film
  3. A film added by a Registered Service User becomes visible on the Service after acceptance by the Service Provider.
  4. A film added by a Registered Service User constitutes a work within the meaning of art. 1 sec. 1 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights.
  5. Films posted on the Service may be assigned to appropriate countries, regions, cities and places.
  6. Profiles of places may be created on the Service. The profile of a place shall include, in particular, information such as: a photo, description and list of films.
  7. The information indicated in VI.6, including descriptions and translations into individual languages, may be generated automatically, including using artificial intelligence. The content, as well as its translations, may contain errors.
  8. It is possible to assign the Registered Service User Account to the Profiles indicated in point VI.6. The Registered Service User then gains the ability to manage the content associated with a given profile.

VII. Granting of a license.

  1. Adding any content by the Registered Service User, including in particular Films, profile descriptions, profile photos, photos of individual places, and comments is tantamount to granting the Service Provider a license to use the content on the terms specified in points 2-10 below.
  2. The Registered Service User does not receive any remuneration for granting the license in question.
  3. Adding a Film by the Registered Service User is tantamount to the Registered Service User's declaration that they have full copyright in relation to the added Film.
  4. If the Films contain images of people, the Registered Service User declares that they have the consent of the people visible in the Films to use their image.
  5. The Registered Service User authorizes the Service Provider to use the added Film in all available fields of exploitation, including in particular making the Film publicly available on the Internet via wired and wireless means in such a way that each person has access to it at a place and time of their choosing, including in particular making it publicly available on the Website and in social media.
  6. The granted license entitles the Service Provider to use the film without territorial restrictions.
  7. The subject license is granted for an indefinite period.
  8. The granted license authorizes the Service Provider to make any modifications to the Film, including in particular to combine the Film with other Films and materials of a different type.
  9. Deleting the account on the Service by the Registered Service User and/or terminating the Agreement for the provision of services by electronic means does not result in the revocation of this license.
  10. The granted license is non-exclusive.

VIII. Exclusion of liability of the Service Provider.

  1. Any liability of the Service Provider for materials posted by Service Users on the Service is excluded. The Service Provider shall not be liable in particular for:
    1. any damage caused to third parties resulting from the use of the Service by the Service Users in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of these Regulations and generally applicable provisions of law,
    2. content provided by the Service User, in particular in the event of providing false or outdated information in the Videos and comments posted by the Registered Service User.

IX. Technical requirements.

  1. To conclude an agreement for the provision of services by electronic means, it is necessary to have a device with access to the Internet.
  2. In the case of using the Services via mobile devices, the Service User must have an appropriate mobile device and a properly installed application constituting an Internet browser.

X. Prohibition of providing illegal content.

  1. The Service User is prohibited from providing, under the concluded Agreement for the provision of services, content that violates generally applicable provisions of Polish and international law.
  2. The Service Provider reserves the right to discontinue the provision of the Service, including by blocking the account of the Registered Service User, in the event of their violation of the provisions of the Regulations, including in the case of providing content that is contrary to good customs and principles of social coexistence.

XI. Termination of the agreement.

  1. The provision of the Service is of an indefinite nature.
  2. The Service Agreement may be terminated by the Service User at any time.
  3. Cessation of use of the Service by the Unregistered Service User shall be deemed to be the termination of the Agreement by him/her.
  4. The Agreement may be terminated by the Registered Service User by a declaration expressing the will to terminate use of the service submitted via e-mail to the following e-mail address: [email protected].
  5. Termination of the agreement by the Registered Service User in the manner indicated in point XI.4 results in the loss of the Service User's access to the account within 2 business days.
  6. The Service Provider may terminate the Service Agreement at any time.

XII. Complaints process.

  1. In the event of failure to provide the Services by the Service Provider or the provision of the Services contrary to the provisions of these Regulations, the Service User has the right to file a complaint. The complaint should contain a detailed description of the situation of non-performance or non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Service performance by the Service Provider.
  2. Complaints should be submitted exclusively to the e-mail address: [email protected].
  3. The Service Provider is obliged to respond to the complaint within 14 days of its receipt.
  4. Responses to the complaint will be provided to the e-mail address of the Registered Service User provided during registration.
  5. The Unregistered Service User is obliged to provide an e-mail address in the complaint. The response to the complaint will be provided to the e-mail address provided.

XIII. Protection of personal data.

  1. Personal data provided by the Service User will be processed on the basis of consent given before registration and in connection with the performance of the concluded Service Agreement. Detailed information on the processing of personal data is included in the Privacy Policy available at:

XIV. Applicable law and final provisions.

  1. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable Polish law shall apply, in particular the provisions of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means and the Civil Code.
  2. Any disputes that may arise in connection with the provision of the service described in these Regulations shall be considered on the basis of generally applicable provisions of Polish law. The provision contained in the preceding sentence does not exclude the rights that the Service User is entitled to under the mandatory provisions in force in the territory where the Service User has their habitual residence.
  3. The Regulations are permanently available free of charge to Service Users at:
  4. The English version of these regulations is only a translation of its original Polish version. If there are any differences between the Polish and English version, the Polish version should be applicable.

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